Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Gifts that Do NOT Keep on Giving

I heard the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas” on the radio the other day. (Actually, I heard it sometime around November 10th, causing me to hurl my automobile radio out the window.  I believe it may have struck a pedestrian.  But I digress.)   Anyway, as I was saying, I heard the song on the radio, and it struck me just how completely useless a song it is. 

Let’s analyze it, shall we?

12 Drummers Drumming

Oh, great.  Twelve Tommy Lee doppelgangers in my living room.  That’s bound to be pleasant.  It’s also bound to be a noisy, testosterone-infused beat-fest, with tattoo-laced ego-tripping rock stars trying to outdo one another for sheer style.   So instead of sleeping in on Christmas morning, I have to deal with a migraine.  Just what I always wanted.

11 Pipers Piping

I’m still trying to figure out where my True Love dug up one lone piper, let alone eleven.   There’s Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute, but beyond that, I’m not sure another ten exist anywhere on the planet.  And not like a Zamfir CD is anybody’s idea of a great Christmas gift.   Come on.  That just screams “Walmart bargain bin at 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve.”  Of course, I suppose Piper from Piper and Tupper would be a suitable alternative, and we all know the story of the Pied Piper…my question is, who’s gonna pay him?  Not me. 

10 Lords-a-leaping

Now, it’s just my opinion, but anybody who’s a “Lord” in this day and age is probably far too stuck up to do any real leaping.  My guess is that they pay their servants to do any necessary leaping for them.  In the event of a real Lord leaping, it’s probably safe to say that they have somehow managed to yet again squeeze money from the lower classes.  If you saw Bernie Maddoff leaping around his office, what would you think?  I thought so. Not at all a nice thing to learn on Christmas.  Next!

9 Ladies Dancing

This was probably the easiest gift for my so-called “True Love” to find.  He probably just went down to the local “gentlemen’s club” and waved a few twenties around.   He probably had to beat off the any extra ladies with a stick.  And where am I going to put that pole?  I’ll have to take out the Christmas tree. 

8 Maids-a-milking

Maids don’t milk anymore, that process being more generally suited to large, sterilized machines.  In the event that eight milk maids could be summoned, in order to be “a-milking,” they would require the influx of eight ruminants from which to harvest said milk.    Imagine that panic that would ensure when the dancing ladies vehemently object to sharing space with over half a dozen bovines.   Moo-ving on.

7 Swans-a-swimming

As any zoology-minded person can attest, it is a rare thing to come across a swan who is merely swimming.  A more accurate assessment of this gift would be “seven swans-a-spitting,” “seven swans-a-hissing,” or “seven swans-a-charging-at-you-with-wings-and-neck-extended.”  Not to mention the swan poop all over the carpet.

6 Geese-a-laying

Possibly the most practical gift on the list, it quickly breaks down to be nothing more than a huge hassle.   Space, and large amounts of high-quality feed are required in order to stimulate the laying process.  And I have yet to see the Betty Crocker cake mix box instructions that require “2 goose eggs.”

5 Gold Rings

What, one for each finger on one hand?  A truly lucky woman will have ONE GOLD RING on her hand, and perhaps a diamond, signifying her union with her True Love.   I guess my True Love got a deal on these gold rings, and gave them all to me.  Or perhaps he had intended to leave the other four in reserve, in case he should come across other women he might consider his true love.  This reminds me of the sign I saw once for “I Love You Only” valentine cards – Now available in multi-packs!  Wonderful.

4 Calling Birds

Do I really want more calling birds in my life?  What sort of birds are these?  And what are they calling about?  If they’re calling to offer me a chance to lower my credit card interest rates, or to tell me that my automobile warranty is about to expire and would I like to provide my credit card information over the phone to the helpful person on the other end…thanks, but no thanks.  Stuff the calling birds and serve them to me for Christmas dinner, and I’ll reconsider.  

3 French Hens

Oh, terrific.  French hens?  I notice that while the geese earlier were a-laying, this particular gift indicates nothing about their egg production abilities.  Given that these are French hens, they will probably just strut around the coop in a bored manner, smoking cigarettes, and saying things like, “Zees coop looks like zee crap!  Euh, I am le bored!”  Stuff these guys along with the calling birds and we’ll feed the neighbors, too.

2 Turtledoves

WTF?  More freaking birds?  I already have swans and geese and telemarketing-calling birds and ennui-infused chickens.   What the hell do I want with turtledoves?   I see these things in pet stores and while they are billed as a timeless expression of love and devotion, I must say, all they do is sit around and poop.  How’s that for a description of marriage?

A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Oh, terrific, another damned bird!    Let us consult the encyclopedia regarding partridges, shall we?  Here we go:  These are medium-sized birds, intermediate between the larger pheasants and the smaller quails.  Partridges are ground-nesting seed-eaters.   Ground nesters!  So how did I manage to get one that’s up in a tree?  Ecologically speaking, the partridge should be underneath the tree, like a sort of feather-wrapped present.  The only way to get a partridge in a pear tree is to shoot it, stuff it, and mount its ass up there.

Thanks, True Love.